Types of Contributions
Types of Contributions
Research Papers
These are partial or final, unpublished, and original research results related to the disciplinary area of educational innovation. These contributions are subjected to the academic evaluation process of single-blind peer review. Research Papers contributions should include:
Submission process
Submit your contribution in one PDF document: a blind full paper (without author(s) information). Using the IEEE template for full paper submission is necessary.
Innovation Papers
These are presentations of reports about educational innovation experiences in which the innovative situation, participants, and results are described. No research results are required in these papers. Innovation Papers contributions must include:
Book Presentations
Presentations of books associated with the themes from the Conference. The presentation must highlight the contribution of the work to the field of educational innovation, as well as a critical perspective of it. Proposals for the book presentations must include:
Educational Innovation Experience
Panel Modality
It analyzes an educational theme from the perspectives of different panelists that will contribute to the understanding of a phenomenon in educational innovation. Panel proposals must include:
Educational Innovation Experience
Networking Table Modality
This format allows high interaction between the participants organized into informal groups that share similar interests about a subject related to the themes of the Conference. Networking tables allow the discussion of new ideas, concepts, strategies, procedures, and/or research, as well as the creation of new alliances with specific purposes. Proposals for network tables must include: